What services will you get
Government Services: Various government forms, public examination results, online university admission, online birth-death registration, VGF-VGD list and citizen certificate etc.
Livelihood based information: agriculture, health, education, law and human rights, tourism, non-agricultural enterprises, etc. This information is provided from the biographical database 'National e-Database (www.infokosh.bangladesh.gov.bd). In addition to online, UISCs also have offline version of national e-database (CD/DVD) so that uninterrupted service can be provided even if there is no internet connection.
Business Services: Mobile Banking (Dutch-Bangla, Trust Bank, BRAC Bank-bKash, McCantile Bank), British Council English Education, Computer Training, Photography, Internet Browsing, Email, Job Information, Compose, Visa Application and Tracking, Video Conferencing at Home and Abroad, Awareness Video Show, Printing, Scanning, Photocopy, Online Outstanding and Current Electricity Bill are taken.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS