1. The Suit for recovery of money due in value of any contract, receipt or other document.
2. The Suit for restitution of any immovable property or recovery of its value.
3. The Suit for recovery of possession of immovable property within one year of its dispossession.
The 4. Suit for forcible possession or damage to any immovable property.
The 5. Compensation case due to cattle encroachment.
6. The Cases for recovery of wages and compensation paid to agricultural labourers.
The 7. A suit for recovery of arrears of maintenance by a wife.
Explanation.—The provisions contained in this series shall be disposed of by the Village Court in addition to the remedy provided in any other law and shall not have jurisdiction in any other law for the time being in force.
When the amount claimed or the value of immovable property or the value of immovable property involved in the offence or the amount of arrears of maintenance is not more than three (three) lakh rupees.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS