Blowing willingly-323
Criminal trespass-447
Joining unlawful assembly - 143
Riots - 147
Unlawful assembly-141
Strife or fighting-160
Intentional hurt as a result of persuasion-334
Unjust obstruction - 341
Wrongfully detained-342
Attack without serious provocation - 352
Assault as a result of deadly provocation - 358
Insult with intent to breach the peace - 504
Criminal intimidation-506
To commit a crime by instilling the belief that the Creator will be disgusted-508
Words, gestures or acts intended to molest a woman – 509
Public misconduct of drunken persons - 510
Theft - 379
Theft in houses, etc.-380
Theft of property occupied by employee or servant-381
Misappropriation of property-403
Criminal breach of trust - 406
c. Inducing to deceive and dishonestly vest property-420
Causing loss of fifty rupees or more by causing harm-427
Killing or maiming animals worth ten taka or more – 428
Killing or maiming cattle of any value, etc., or any animal worth fifty rupees
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS